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  • alexandra1847

Secondary School Placement

As a school placement consultant, Holly devotes a great deal of time to researching secondary school options for her clients. Recently she met with Caitlyn Adams-Davis, Senior Director of Admission & Financial Aid at Westover School in Middlebury, Connecticut, an all girls boarding and day school; Peter Anderson, Director of Admissions Operations & Financial Aid at Pomfret, a boarding school in Connecticut; and RJ Swift, the New Jersey Admissions Representative at Northfield-Mount Hermon, a boarding school in Massachusetts. Holly finds that making these personal connections enriches her understanding of each school's culture and offerings. She is able to stay abreast of the most current developments and ask questions that will serve her school placement clients.

Holly advises families with students of all academic profiles entering kindergarten through high school. She consults with families and guides them through the entire private day school/ boarding school admissions process. When appropriate, Holly serves as a liaison between the student and the admissions office at each school to which the student applies.

Before the initial meeting, the family completes an application form and provides copies of the student's school records including report cards or transcripts and standardized test results. Holly reviews this material in order to understand the student's academic background. Next the family meets with Holly virtually to identify priorities and preferences for the type of school, location, extracurricular activities, and any other specific requirements. Based on the family's input, Holly generates a target list of schools to meet their criteria. The family visits the schools to determine their level of interest.

Holly assists the family in identifying the schools to which the student will apply and contacts the admissions officers at the schools to determine the viability of the student's candidacy. She tracks the application, testing, interview and student visit deadlines. Throughout the process, Holly meets with the student to manage these deadlines and complete tasks. She coaches the student through essay completion and effective interview techniques. Once admission offers are received, Holly helps the family make the final decision.

If your family is interested in exploring private day and boarding school options, please contact Learning Associates.

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